
Ponoka Stampede 2022 Tarp Sale

Friday nights Ponoka Stampede tarp sale saw just under $390k spent! $13k more the last tarp sale in 2019.

The night also saw the WPCA present the 2021 World Champion Driver (Obrey Motowylo) and Outrider (Hayden Motowylo) their championship buckles. Top Rookie Driver (Chance Thomson) and Top Rookie Outrider (Nolan Cameron) were also presented their championship buckles. The Stampede crowned their 2022 Ponoka Stampede Queen, with Naomi Akkermans handing the rein over to Mackenzie Skeels after three years.

After the Ninths Kass Patterson spoke with Ponoka Stampede Chuckwagon Director Jim Harbridge and WPCA driver Dustin Gorst about the night, and the 2022 season.

The After the Ninth Race Review Tarp Sale Edition is Presented by Alta-Fab Structures


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